It's so funny what you see when you take a picture. This little house is listing left...I'm sure that has some significance but the main thing I see when I look at this cloth is the many happy hours spent in the doing of it.
I started with Jude's suggestion and auditioned fabrics on my design board, walking by and tweeking and basting and "what-ifing'. I saw a shirt in the thrift store that looked like a garden and I thought about it so much I had to go back and get it. (Felt a little guilty because it WAS a beautiful shirt someone could have worn... now it's a one-armed beautiful shirt. ) I knew I wanted to make a path to the water. It seemed very important. Now it looks like everything is moving to the water. I love that Deanna saw my heart flowers as kites. So I'm letting my heart flag fly!
These cloths are hanging up in my space and I look at them all the time. I'm beginning to see a common theme. I'm not being self-critical here, just noticing a sweet/corney/polly-anna trend. I believe that the quiet hours spend here are healing and renewing. I've decided to just stitch. These are challenging times for our family so I am not underestimating the Power of the Cloth in my life right now. Thank you all, it's wonderful to have a place to share.
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